What is Rest operator in JavaScript?
Rest Operator is a feature of advanced Javascript (ES6). The rest operator in JavaScript allows a function to take an indefinite number of arguments and bundle them in an array, thus allowing us to write functions that can accept a variable number of arguments, irrespective of the number of parameters defined.
//Simple Function
function getDatas( a,b,c, ...others) {
console.log( "a is " , a)
console.log( "b is " , b)
console.log( "c is " , c)
console.log( "Others " , ...others)
//Output of above code
a is 10
b is 12
c is 14
Others 100 200 5668
//Rest operator with object
const student = {
Name: "Vineet",
Age: 21,
Hobby: "Coding"
const {...rest} = student; //Destructuring the object in ...rest
//Output of above code
{ Name: 'Vineet', Age: 21, Hobby: 'Coding' }
What is Spread operator in JavaScript?
The Spread operator allows an iterable to expand in places where 0+ arguments are expected. It is mostly used in the variable array where there is more than 1 value is expected. It allows us the privilege to obtain a list of parameters from an array.
//Spread with Arrays
var Code = ["C", "C++", "Javascript", "Python"];
function print(...others)
console.log(...others) //returns
print(...Code); //Sprad make single copy of an array
//Output of above code
C C++ Javascript Python
//Spread With Objects
const student = {
Name: "Vineet",
Age: 21,
Hobby: "Coding",
const newStud = {
Hobby: "Chilling",
//Output of above code
{ Name: 'Vineet', Age: 21, Hobby: 'Chilling' }
I hope you understand the Rest and Spread operator if you reach till here.
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